Secrets to Slimming Your Saddlebags

One moment we’re just boys and girls romping in a play yard. Skinny, straight-up-and-down androgynous bodies rolling and jumping in pure glee. And in a flash, that kid becomes an adolescent. While the boys usually morph into taller, leaner, muscular warriors complete with six pack abs, girls transform from tomboy toothpicks to curvy young women. Fat deposits gift each woman with breasts, as well as hips, thighs and buttocks. These bountiful curves arm women with precious fat supplies to support reproduction.
As is always the case, some women are well-endowed upstairs with bodacious bosoms, while others are piling extra fat on their outer thighs. Instead of looking like an hour glass, these women take on the appearance of a pear, with a disproportionate amount of fat on the lower part of the body. Staring in the mirror, these pockets of fat look like the bags that hang off a horse’s saddle or dangle off the sides of a motorcycle. Thus the term “saddlebags” to describe this extra abundance of outer thigh fat.
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